Creating Your Life-Spaces: Boundaries
Hi Unique Gurls. At our last Unique Gurl workshop we briefly talked about personal boundaries and what they might look like in your life. What do we mean by boundaries here at Julies Haven Unique Gurl (JHUG)?
Boundaries are the discipline and control you have over your decisions and actions in life.
Boundaries how far you allow yourself or others to influence or control your personal spaces in how you think or you act.
But how do you create or make personal boundaries? What are some things to keep in mind to help you know whether the things you choose or reject will help you feel better about yourself or help you grow as a person? Well two ideas may help: knowing what you like about yourself as a person and being truthful with yourself about your personal habits and choices, the good and not so good habits and choices.
Knowing what you like about yourself is truly important because making decisions about what is good for your personal life and lifestyle is essential to meaningful self-care. Think about all of the small decisions you make based on what you care about and what you enjoy. These decisions are personal boundaries. Now imagine how powerful and positive your life would be if you would think about what you value most about yourself ahead of decisions. Think about these choices now through journaling or other things like drawings, poems, songs and other activities can help you create your personal boundaries. Unique Gurl, when you have a real understanding of who you are it is harder for people to influence you away from your authentic self.
Also Unique Gurl, to creat personal boundaries you have to be very honest with yourself about what you like and don't like , how helpful and healthy your daily habits are to express who you are and what you may want to achieve in life, this is very important. Sometimes you find that your daily routine is blocking opportunities for you to enjoy things you enjoy and like. For example:
Waking up late or sleeping late may be preventing you from experiencing things that need more of your energy or more time to enjoy them fully or complete correctly.
Waiting too late to do something may also block your options for new experiences.
Negative habits are negative boundaries when they keep you from getting involved in the process of learning and developing the best way to be yourself.
Positive boundaries are habits that allow you the opportunity and freedom to express and grow into more of your authentic self.
Learning new habits based on positive personal boundaries can open doors to life growing experiences.
Standing firm through your habits in the things you believe are important can also be very effective in creating positive boundaries.
Boundaries are great for you if you take the time to understand who you are (even while you may be changing) and understand your real daily habits, reflect on these and be sincere with yourself about your good and not so good habits (we all have them) and choices ( we all make them). You can be strong as you learn, dream and grow as a person. In fact you will begin to see your unique qualities and value as a person, the more you think about your likes and dislikes. Taking the time to explore who you are as a person can open your eyes to your potential and ability to influence yourself to expressing and experiencing the Unique Gurl inside of you.
Unique Gurl, having bounderies can prevent you from allowing other's actions to hurts, bounderies can keep you from making life changing mistakes, having boundaries will help you speak up for yourself, having bounderies will keep you from feeling bad about a decision you made regarding your safety. Bounderies can change due to life expereinces, bounderies change as you mature Unique Gurl, the most important thing to remeber about bounderies is that you have established them to protect your mind and body be patient and forgiving with yourself as you establish YOUR boundaries.
Believing in You,