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Self Esteem and Self Confidence WorkShop

Sat, Sep 21



What's the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence ?This workshop will dive in to the difference between the two and discuss how the Unique Gurl can develop and continue to understand her self-esteem and self-confidence.

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Self Esteem and Self Confidence WorkShop
Self Esteem and Self Confidence WorkShop

Time & Location

Sep 21, 2024, 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Hinesville, 236 W Memorial Dr, Hinesville, GA 31313, USA


About the event

This Unique Gurl Workshop will identify the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence with the intention to encourage the gurls to be patient with themselves as they develop their self-esteem and self-confidence. 

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Unique Gurl

Julie’s Haven Corporation

P.O. 293

Ella Bell, GA. 31308


Julie’s Haven is a Public Charity, EIN-86-1954167, 501(c)(3)



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